
Top 10 Ancient Ruins In The World

Have you ever heard of ancient foods – Moai, Machu Picchu, Volubulis, Petra, Angkor Wat, and Olympia? Mentioning ancient ruins, bring into our mind ancient cultures, a ‘must-see’ site, and, a crowded place. Things like civil wars, natural disasters, and under-maintenance among others contribute greatly to the falling of these amazing sites. Historians, as well […]

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Brunei National Flag

10 Countries With No Political Parties

In almost every country, the leaders are elected using political parties. However, there are some countries without parties, and they still have good governance and running just like any other country. It is the people who represent the others, not a political party. While parties are formed to keep democracy thriving, having none doesn’t mean […]

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Cashew Tree

10 Food Items You Probably Didn’t Know How They Grow

Most of these foods are our favourite, but how do they grow? What is the journey from the farm to our plates or cup? Let’s find out below. 10. Cloves Cloves look very beautiful when they are still on the farm, with its evergreen tree that sometimes can grow up pass eight meters. However, the […]

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Codex Mendoza

10 Most Mysterious Books

Books have many purposes, for example, they inform us, teach us and amuse us. Many people find solace when reading a book. That is the role of a book. We get to understand a lot of things when we read a book. But not all books are understandable. In fact, there are many books that […]

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10 Famous Bands In History

There have been fair shares of successful music bands in the world, starting in the ’60s to present. Compiling a list of 10 most famous bands in history can surely and deservedly result in a monsoon of disagreement because every person has their own idea of what is the greatest band of all time. Nevertheless, […]

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Stone Cold Steve Austin

10 Greatest Professional Wrestlers Of All Time

When it comes to wrestling, talent alone is not enough to cement your legacy as the greatest wrestler of all time. As long the wrestling sport has been around, there have been thousands of wrestlers who have laced up pair of boots and graced the ring. But only a few are remembered as the GOATs. […]

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Burning Man

10 Famous Festivals Around The World

Are you a party animal? If so, I have a followup, can you dance from dusk to dawn without having to take a breather? If the answer is yes, then continue reading. Even if the answer was “no” continue to read. These festivals I am about to share are like no other. If you attend […]

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10 Amazing Bonsai Trees

Bonsai is a Japanese word which translates to “planted in a container.” It is an art of unique gardening practices originating from China. It was later copied by the Japanese and redefined by the Japanese Zen Buddhism. This practice has been around for over a century. The objective of growing a Bonsai is to design […]

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