Death Penalty in North Korea

15 Weird Facts about North Korea which are Interesting

North Korea is a country with a long history, many kingdoms, Japanese invasions, military rules, division of Korea, the Korean war, and communism. North Korea is a country isolated from the world for many reasons and they do not like world attentions. But, in recent times, North Korea is known to have created a lot […]

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North Korean Missiles

10 Countries with the Most Number of Nuclear Missiles

The world has become the deadliest place to live with countries possessing deadly weapons and weapons of mass destruction like the atom bombs and nuclear bombs. Currently, there are enough nuclear weapons in the world to destroy the earth easily. The impact of the largest and most powerful nuclear bomb ever designed – Tsar Bomba, would have […]

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Cananda Crime Rate

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Crime Rates in the World

Crime rates in the world have increased tremendously over the past two decades. As the human being is becoming advanced the crime rate is increasing at the same time at the same rate. Countries are becoming more and more unsafe to live. There are a list of many countries with high crimes rates in the world. The […]

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