Abert’s Squirrel

10 Most Beautiful Squirrels In The World

Squirrels are small or medium-size rodents that just impress people across the globe with their beauty and kindness. The name “squirrel” was first attested in 1327, which is known to have come from the Old French word “escurel”. There are over 200 variants of squirrel species distributed widely across the globe. Squirrels are considered one of the most beautiful as some of them possess exotic and authentic native body coloration. We have come up with the 10 most beautiful squirrels in the world that can insist you stop by for exclusive photographs.

10. Eastern Gray Squirrel

Eastern Gray Squirrel

An Eastern gray squirrel is a fantastic-looking squirrel species native to North America. It is a tree squirrel and recognized as a “grey squirrel”. Most of the time, the eastern gray squirrels are mistaken with that of the fox squirrels. It becomes hard to distinguish between them as they look exactly the same.

In terms of appearances, the eastern gray squirrels consist of gray fur with a complete body in brown color. Additionally, the combination of gray, brown, and white blend over the body makes them fall under special attire.

They grow up to 30 cm in length and weigh up to 600 grams. Further, they are active during the early and late hours of the day and tend to avoid heat as much as possible. Furthermore, one in four gray squirrel kits survives after the newborn.

9. Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel

Thirteen-lined ground squirrel is one of the most beautiful squirrels also famously recognized as “striped gopher”, or “leopard ground squirrel”. As the name says, the squirrel’s body consists of 13 alternate longitudinal strips. Thirteen-linked ground squirrels feed on weed seeds, grass, grasshoppers, and crickets.

Additionally, in late summer, they are known to store food in their burrows. This seems to be an action to avoid exposure outside between October and January.

They grow up to a length of 300 mm with a tail length spanning between 75 and 109 mm. About 90% of newborns die due to predation. If the newborns pass adulthood, they live up to 8 years.

8. Variegated Squirrel

Variegated squirrel is a beautiful tree squirrel found in southern Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama. Further, it is native to Central America and resides mostly in evergreen forests.

The squirrel species are known to be kept as a pet in Germany. Additionally, variegated squirrels grow up to 10.2 inches and can weigh up to 500 grams. The body color is between dark brown and yellowish-grey. A dark stripe along the body makes it a beautiful squirrel of all time. The squirrel mainly feeds on seeds and fruits.

Finally, if you decide to keep the variegated squirrels as a pet, then double confirm that they are not carrying bornavirus. This may sound weird to many but that’s the real fact. In 2015, a huge number of variegated squirrels were diagnosed with bornavirus. The virus was first suspected to be of German origin. People in contact with the infected squirrel are known to cause progressive encephalitis-like symptoms.

7. Abert’s Squirrel

Abert’s squirrel is a lovely squirrel species native to the southern Rocky Mountains in the United States. It is also found in parts of the northern Sierra Madre Occidental in Mexico. Also recognized as a “tassel-eared squirrel”, it is a tree squirrel. The Abert’s squirrel species is named after in honor of the American naturalist John James Abert.

Further, Abert’s squirrels grow up to 58 cm in length. In terms of appearances, they have dark coloration on the body with a white belly. Some of the ones found in Colorado rocky mountain are completely dark in color. They are basically not nocturnal and spend most of their time outside before the sunset. In general, they feed on fleshy fungi, bones, carrion, and antlers.

6. Eurasian Red Squirrel

The Eurasian red squirrel is one of the most beautiful and loved squirrels around the world. Also recognized simply as “red squirrel”, the Eurasian squirrels are mainly found in northern Europe. In general, they are red in color. But their color changes based on the location. The color ranges from black to red. Additionally, the underparts of the squirrel are while-cream which gives a tremendous color contrast.

Red squirrels grow up to 23 cm in length and can weigh up to 340 grams. Furthermore, in captivity, they can survive for 10 years, and 7 years when they are not. It becomes a tough time for them to survive the first winter. This means that about 75-80% of the juveniles die in their first encountering in winter. While talking about their diet, they mainly feed on seeds, fungi, and nuts. In rare cases, they are seen eating bird eggs.

5. American Red Squirrel

American Red Squirrel

American red squirrel is a small-sized squirrel also recognized as “pine squirrel” or “North American red squirrel”. Often this squirrel species is mistaken with Eurasian red squirrels. While considering their size, it grows just to a length between 28 and 35 cm. And can weigh up to 250 grams.

American red squirrels are spread widely across the continent of America. They can be found in the states of Canada as well. Furthermore, 50% of their diet has been observed eating spruce buds. It factually means that their favorite foods include spruce buds, willow, leaves, buds, and mushrooms. The population of their kind is enlisted in the endangered category as there has been an incredible decline since 1987.

4. Asian Tri-Colored Squirrel

Asian Tri-Colored Squirrel

Asian tri-colored squirrel is a colorful squirrel species found in the forests of Sumatra, Borneo, and the Thai-Malay Peninsula. Also recognized as “Prevost’s squirrel”, it is said that their population is declining due to habitat loss and hunting practices.

Further, it grows up to 27 cm in length and weighs between 250-500 grams. The color patterns on the body are unique wherein the underparts are reddish-orange and the body being completely dark.

In general, Asian tri-colored squirrels can be easily distinguished by their body colors. They feed on fruits, nuts, buds, and insects. Finally, they are active during the day and mostly found wandering on the grounds.

3. Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel

Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel

Japanese dwarf flying squirrel is a lovely squirrel species that is capable of flying. Now flying as in not a complete bird fly but the abilities to glide. Further, the squirrel species is native to Japan and found in the forests of the Honshu and Kyushu islands.

Japanese dwarf flying squirrels are known to build nests between branches and tree trunks. Additionally, they are nocturnal by nature and actively search for food items at night. They grow up to 20 cm in length and weigh up to 220 grams.

Furthermore, in terms of appearances, the Japanese dwarf flying squirrels consist of a membrane between the wrists and ankles. This helps them glide between the trees. The body color ranges between grey and brown with a white belly. A more highlighting part is the large eyes that make the squirrel a spot-on.  

2. Finlayson’s Squirrel

Finlayson’s squirrel is an impressive-looking squirrel species also recognized as “the variable squirrel”. It resides widely in wooded habitats and gardens. Additionally, the Finlayson’s squirrels are majorly found in parts of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar.

Considered one of the largest squirrel species with a length of about 22-24 cm. They have a color combination of brown and white, which makes them lovely-looking tiny animals. Further, there are about 16 recognized subspecies of Finlayson’s squirrel. And, they have the capabilities to discriminate ripe from unripe fruits.

1. Indian Giant Squirrel

Indian Giant Squirrel

Indian giant squirrel is considered one of the most prominent in terms of beauty amongst the squirrel species. Also recognized as “Malabar giant squirrel”, the squirrel species are found in the woodlands in India. Further, the squirrel is endemic to Indian forests that are mainly distributed in the Western Ghats. Indian giant squirrels can be found at an altitude of 180-2300 meters mainly residing in moist evergreen forests.

If you ever come across them, you may wonder that they are really large. At an estimated length of 25-50 cm, the Indian giant squirrel becomes one of the largest squirrels in the world. They comprise a color combination of brown, black, or reddish maroon. Furthermore, they travel between the trees most of the time. Additionally, the jumping length from a tree to another is about 20 feet.