Fire Ant

10 Deadliest Insects Around The World

There are about 900 thousand insect species that have been discovered till date and about one million insect species are yet to be discovered. A human’s sarcasm turns out to be scary when after all a “Cockroach” is spotted near them. However, some insects look similar to the size of cockroach but can be very lethal and life threatening to human beings. Here, we have listed the 10 most dangerous insects in the world.

10. Botfly


The Botfly is one of the deadliest insects around the world, which can cause lethal larvae to infest on mammals. When a Botfly bites a mammal, the parasite is diffused on their skin that can cause adverse effect if left untreated. The parasite infection in humans is generally referred as “Myiasis”, which is refers to the parasite feeding on the human tissue. The Larvae can start infesting by laying eggs and can cause permanent tissue damage if the infestation is carried to final stage. Infestation happens when the larvae gets incubated by natural heat to reach the final stage of maturity. The larvae stays in the body until it matures, and post maturity can eventually detach the larvae causing irreversible damage to the tissue.

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9. Fire Ant

Fire Ant

Fire Ant, as the name says, produces similar effect of skin being burnt, when they bite an individual. They consist of a very harmful toxin called “Solenopsin”, which can cause adverse effects on humans, if injected in large amount. These ants are capable of surviving extreme conditions and are generally found under logs, bricks or rocks. If bitten in large numbers, medical attention would be mandatory. Stings can cause bumps on skin and scratching will result in adverse results. Primary effects would include bumps, rashes, chest pain, loss of breadth and nausea. Allergic reaction are commonly treated by oral application, however, the victim will have to undergo medication if the toxins injected are at very high level.

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8. Giant Japanese Hornet


Giant Japanese Hornet

Giant Japanese Hornet resembles a larger version of Honey Bees with an approximate size of 2 inches. They are considered as the largest among the Hornet family and were originated in Japanese islands. The insect consist of venom that is capable of dissolving tissue and causing intense damage to the internal organs. Giant Japanese Hornet is responsible for about 40-50 deaths every year. If they chase an individual in groups, there is a probability that the person would be bitten to death. Usually, Japanese Hornets are aggressive in nature and attack any individual fearlessly. The stinger is about 6.25 mm in length and can inject maximum venom that can affect the nervous system of the victim.

7. Kissing Bugs

Kissing Bugs

Kissing Bugs, as the name says, give an individual the world’s most lethal kiss, primarily found responsible for carrying a deadly parasite that can cause “African Sleeping Sickness”. The origins of Kissing Bugs are from United States, and are found in Asia and Africa as well. Unlike Mosquito and Fleas that are responsible for feeding on host, the Kissing Bugs can suck the blood from mouthparts and can transmit incurable deadly diseases.  Kissing Bugs are held responsible for over 1,200 deaths every year. The symptoms are seen in the victim immediately after the bite, which generally includes rashes, swollen skin, vomiting, hypotension and other breathing discomfort. Since they bite at night, an individual unfortunately becomes irresistible and finds the effects when wakes up.

6. Bullet Ant

Bullet Ant

Bullet Ant, also recognized as “Giant Hunting Ant”, is found in extreme east of Honduras and South to Paraguay. As the name says, Bullet Ant cause bites that can actually feel an individual like a bullet been shot on the body. They are considered as the largest among the Ant species with a length of about 1.2 inches. The stings of Bullet Ants are more dangerous than a Giant Japanese Hornet, since they consist of Poneratoxin that is capable of paralyzing and blocking the blood flow in the central nervous system. They produce disgusting odor to get rid of the prey; however tends to attack if the prey provokes to get in conflict with them. They attack without any warnings by just falling directly from the trees and the pain can sustain for more than 24 hours even with the medical assistance.

5. Killer Bees

Killer Bees

Killer Bees are also recognized as “Africanized Honey Bee”, which was found in Brazil in the 1950s as a result of excess production over honey. The Killer Bees are highly aggressive in nature and are capable of chasing an individual in groups over 1 mile. Every year, two deaths are caused by the Killer bees and there have been horrifying attacks by them in recent past. The stings of Killer Bees are very powerful and a single bite can cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache and rashes. If there are multiple bites, then the victim should be within the medical intervention. A single hive can consist of about 80,000 bees and can detect threat from a distance of over 500 meters.

4. Fleas


Fleas are commonly recognized as a dangerous parasite, which feed on warm-blooded mammals and birds. They generally pierce the skin to get in contact with blood to feed on them and can cause initial allergic reactions like itching or swollen skin. Fleas can probably spread deadly viruses like myxomatosis and bacteria like murine, which can cause adverse effects against humans. An adult female lays up to 2000 eggs in their complete lifespan and are capable of sucking blood 15 times of their body weight.

3. Siafu Ant

Siafu ants

Siafu Ant, also recognized as “Driver Ant”, is the deadliest among the Ant species. A colony of Driver Ant can consist of 22 million ant troops, which can finish off any individual on their way. The name “Driver” refers to the continuous hunt for food by commuting from place to place. They are capable of withstanding underwater up to 3 minutes and defend the prey to kill them to death. One can never defend the Siafu army, and the best solution if encountered would be either running away from them or throw flames on them to massacre in mass. According to the records till date, the fatalities of humans were encountered by the wildlife researchers who fell prey for these deadly ants as a sacrifice towards endeavor.

2. TseTse Fly

TseTse Fly

TseTse Fly contributes to the transmission of the world’s deadliest and dangerous diseases, The African sleeping sickness. TseTse Fly is a parasite that feeds on humans and animal blood. Every year TseTse kills over 200 people and are native of Africa. The fly consists of deadly virus in their mouthparts and when they get in touch with an individual, they tend to inject the saliva along with the virus. The infestation happens faster if the victim’s blood is extensively high and the life cycle of virus is about 20-30 days. Once the virus is injected by the insect, the intestine is primarily affected and if untreated can cause severe damage to central nervous system, finally causing the victim suffer from coma.

Check [Top 10 Deadliest Viruses in Human History]

1. Mosquito


Believe it or not, Mosquito is considered as the most terrifying killer insect in the history of mankind. They are responsible for over 1 million deaths and 300-500 million cases every year across the globe. We personally would have encountered this insect a thousand of times and would have affected unknowingly by them. Mosquitoes spread diseases like Malaria, Dengue, Yellow Fever and many more, which takes off the people’s life in spite of advanced medical treatment and technologies. The diseases like Malaria and Dengue does not infect an individual directly in contact with the affected person unless is bitten by the mosquito carry the deadly disease. According to WHO, every 40 seconds a child is being infected by malaria or dengue by the so called “Mosquito”.

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